Started from the work of astrophysicists and scientists. I was first introduced to its notion, May 19, 1996 through a dear friend, an astrophysicist turned lawyer, in a Left Bank bar, when he tried to explain his PsiOn to me.
Now 20 years later, hyperconnectivity buzzes our days. Education on every subject imaginable is only a key stroke or two away.
Over the course of my criminal defence career, I have had the opportunity to represent many interesting people who have defied boundaries and expectations, each with their own unique history. Many of them had become entwined with the justice system because they did not readily fit into the square box the education system wanted them squished into.
A friend of mine posted this video on Facebook and I saw it today. The 20th anniversary of free www.
In honour of this, and the many clients over the last two decades, that have trusted me with their histories, I share this Suli Breezy video – I Will Not Let an Exam Result Decide My Fate.
“… we all have different abilities… –
test us with tests, but the finals are never final, cause they never prepare us for the biggest test which is survival… –
-shakespeare was known as the innovator of slang… –
so this one is for my generation –
the ones who found what they were looking for on Google, the ones who followed their dreams on Twitter, pictured their future on Instagram, accepted destiny on Facebook,
this one is for my failures and my dropouts;
for my unemployed graduates, my shop assistants, cleaners and cashiers with bigger dreams;
my self employed entrepreneurs, my world changers and my dream chasers;
because the purpose of why I love school but hate education was not to initiate a world wide debate
but to let them know that
whether 72 or 88, 44 or 68,
we will not let exam results decide our fate. Peace.”
Suli Breezy