Mother’s Day is Sunday. My youngest bursting with pride presented me with my Mother’s Day gift yesterday. Carefully wrapped with tissue paper and tied off with a teacher’s bow. Inside lay a frame of my son’s art and carefully hand printed rendition of Mommy stuff. My Mom’s name is Karen. My Mom is Nis. My Mom loves Sports.
Apparently, my other two are hard at work on their Mother’s Day gifts and I will receive them Sunday morning. I await with bated breath.
This morning’s Globe and Mail contained Sarah Hampson’s piece on motherhood. It resonated deeply.
She writes,” I think every mother knows, not necessarily right away but little by little with each passing year, that motherhood has shaped her differently. We get stretch marks of the heart and mind.” According to research cited by Sarah, motherhood changes women’s brains, with an increasing volume of grey matter in the mid-brain section. She cites Katherine Ellison’s, The Mommy Brain, for the proposition that bump-dom brings increased perception, resiliency, motivation and EQ. Continue reading